June 19, 2023

Walk The SUP

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The Fuller Warren Shared-Use Path (The SUP) is a one-of-a-kind pathway for Jacksonville bridges. Spanning 12-ft across and nearly 1-mile long, it is ideal for both pedestrians and bicyclists. As host of the weekly Riverside Arts Market (RAM), Riverside Avondale Preservation is excited to invite RAM patrons to our neighborhood without the car. Connecting our historic neighborhood to San Marco in a way that encourages fun, sustainable transit is only one of the many benefits of The SUP. This pathway and the Post Street Dock are great examples of how people can enter our community, visit our historic parks, cultural organizations, and merchant areas with a smaller footprint. Plus, you can take in some of the best views of the St. Johns River at the same time.

scenic overlookThe SUP provides more than a view of the St. Johns – it’s a new perspective. It may not rival that first image of Earth, Blue Marble in 1972, but it is a reminder of the significance of the River to our City and neighborhoods. Jacksonville is here because of the dramatic turn the St. Johns River makes that created a distinct, narrow location for cows to ford the river. Just outside of downtown, the river dilates to 3.5 miles across. Seeing the river here, and the neighborhoods that grew from the river’s natural features, reminds us that the river is a part of our community. From atop the SUP, take a picture and use #TheSUP. Maybe, add a few words about the importance of the River to you.

Nearby attractions in walking distance:

About Riverside Avondale Preservation

The purpose and mission of Riverside Avondale Preservation, Inc. is to preserve Riverside Avondale’s historic fabric and unique character, promote local businesses, arts, and culture, advocate with and for the neighborhood and celebrate community. The weekly Riverside Arts Market is hosted every Saturday under the canopy of the Fuller Warren Bridge from 10 a.m. – 3 p.m., rain or shine. www.riversideavondale.org